Phasers on stunning

So, I took a visit to a tech company the other week and while discussing the role they had to offer, Phaser was mentioned, it is an HTML5 framework that is for Canvas and WebGL. Upon further inspection after my visit, I found that Phaser is written in Javascript and works with many other libraries… This set-off…

Blowing a Raspberry

Last week I went to a great meetup for #LinuxingInLondon at CodeNode, My first meetup which I went to on my own where I didn’t know anyone… EEP! All I can say I what was I worrying about? The guys were so welcoming, Brian, the host ( was great to talk to (and loved to talk)….

Control Freak

I’ve been running the Domoticz open source home automation system in my house for the last two years now and I think its great, all of my major light switches have been replaced with switches from LightwaveRF, these switches are designed in the UK and out of all of the wireless switches I have seen…

Long Distance Post

So…. While the test setup for the postbox notification system worked perfectly, to begin with, when I went to test the system for its functional range I hit a not so invisible wall. Frustratingly, the signals from these little NRF devices are not able to penetrate through more than 1 or 2 walls, especially brick/concrete ones. If…

Insert post here:

So my next foray into hardware is to make a device which notifies me if my home mailbox has had anything put in it. I had previously worked on a proof of concept for a multiplayer game device using a Nordic Semiconductors nRF24L01+ device, this little guy is great for simple data transmission with built-in…

Swift by name, Swift by nature Part 2: Swiftly does it

So after fizzbuzz, I decided to try out creating an app based on a concept I thought up during a brainstorming session with other members of my cohort at Makers Academy. The Problem: While travelling I would want to know touristic information about the site I was at. The App: I found Wikipedia has an…

Swift by name, Swift by nature

So, following the Makers Academy graduation, I and some of the other grads had a meetup where we caught up, and put our heads together to come up with some ideas for projects we would like to do over the upcoming weeks… There were quite a few good ones and a couple that I came…